How to determine if your baby lacks vitamin A?

Many novice parents don't know what nutrients their babies lack! Be careful! If you have the following symptoms, your baby must be lacking vitamin A!


1. Can't see clearly where the light is dim

When a baby lacks vitamin A, his sensitivity to weak light decreases, and when the light is darker, he can't see clearly. In severe cases, he may even become night blind.


2. There are various discomfort in the eyes

If vitamin A is insufficient, the eyes are prone to dryness, fatigue, and congestion. When vitamin A is deficient, the eyes become more sensitive to abnormalities that occur, which can easily lead to discomfort in the baby's eyes!


3. Keratinization of epithelial tissue

When vitamin A deficiency occurs, the baby's skin is prone to dryness and frequent itching. In severe cases, the skin feels coarse and sandy, while sweat decreases.


4. Impaired bone development

When vitamin A is severely deficient, it can affect the growth and development of the baby's bones, leading to a series of consequences, such as falling behind in height, easy peeling of tooth enamel, and prone to dental caries.


Vitamin A is the first vitamin discovered by humans and is crucial for the growth and development of infants and children. It participates in various physiological processes of the body. So it's necessary to supplement your baby with enough vitamin A!

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